Last Tuesdays assignment was to bring in a quote, lyrics, video, saying, anything you thought was cool basically.
Our teacher was off in California doing some family things sense his dad recently died. So that left us with just the mentors teaching us for today. At first they had us read off what we brought in and talk about it.
My class talks a lot so that took up almost half of the class time.
After that Kenna (our mentors names are Paul & Kenna) had us look up on flicker and each find an image that we like. The whole point of doing this was that we had to pretend the image was one that we took and write an artist statement to go along with it.
I think I did pretty good except for the fact that It's hard for me to express myself through writing sometimes, although I thought other classmates of mine did even better.
She showed us this video that I thought was really good, it was about this award winning photographer who travels the world and his art gallery is the world. He goes around to different country's and takes face-to-face photographs of people he thinks are daily hero's and paints up their photos on the buildings, the streets, peoples homes, tops of buildings, tops of trains, all these different unique settings for just everyday people of the city. He said it makes their story's travel on throughout the world and throughout history.
We got the rest of the class time to work on ether our own artist statements or photos for the finals.
I'm pretty happy about that because I got my artist statement done and over with. I also got some camera equipment for free because they were having a sale and most of the stuff was free which was awesome.
I also got this really nice film camera and lens for 5$! so that means when I start taking film classes I wont have to use their little point and shot because I'll already have a advanced one. And I got a book on how to start a professional photography business for free too.
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