Monday, November 15, 2010


I really enjoyed taking this class, pretty much everything about it.
The friends I made are probably going to be around in my life for awhile, some really interesting cool people.
The mentors were very helpful and there when we needed them. And C.B. is such a great teacher I can hardly even began to explain it. I'm going to be sad when time comes around and it' over.

In the beginning of the class I thought I wasn't going to learn that much because I had already worked with photoshop and lightroom years before, and it seemed like that's all they were going to teach. But I was surprised by how much C.B. knew and had to offer. He taught us some things that I will probably never forget, Ex: I learned what angling means, how it is really important when taking portraits of people because you only want to show some detail on the face. I also learned a lot about lighting and the big difference between sun light and indoor light, there is so many other lighting's you could use though. We went outside one day in class, well actually we did this a couple of days, but it was a sunny day so the lighting was really good at some angels, we all took pictures of each other and and looked at them after we were done. I thought it was pretty fun getting to do learn that hands-on.
One thing my mentor told me awhile ago, something that would have been so helpful to me all these years, Is that a large aperture and a very slow shutter speed will capture things with low-lighting, like the nighttime, and the moon and stars. I wish I would have known that before, I feel so stupid because it makes perfect sense now, haha.

I got more practice in cloning pictures, that means to select an area on the photo your working on or a completely different photo if you choose and you "clone" out that selected part then paste it onto the photo where you please. It is actually a really complicated tool in photoshop, until you get the hang of it that is.
This tool is fun though because you can go into photos with like a mom and her baby/kid and just switch their heads so that the picture stays completely the same but the faces are switched with each other so it looks really awkward and just like "whaaat?" hahaha.

Honestly, I wish this class was longer, it feels like I just started it and now it's already over. And I'm going to miss my camera so much it makes me want to cry :'(
I'm thinking about taking film classes after this, I don't know yet though, it will be a completely different world, and I can't began to imagine what it will be like only having a certain amount of pictures to took each week. Scary thought in my world, haha, I love being able to take like 30 pictures of the same thing and then just go back and find the one(s) I like the most.


  1. Keep up that habit of taking a ton of photos then choosing the best ones. I think that is something that makes you a stronger photographer.

  2. I agree with that :)
    But it still doesn't help me with my decision to take film classes, haha.
