Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tuesday, March 8th: Show Curation & Rehearsal.

Yay!!! We are all finally done with our final photos and now are thinking about where to place them on the wall and in what order. I love the order we put them in, it all made perfect since, and we all thought the same thing.

We were having a hard time figuring out where to put each of our self portraits, and keeping them in coherence with the final frames. So we somehow came up with the idea of making it a random thing and putting all of our self portraits together in the middle. We sat on the ground and switched them around until they ended up in this pyramid shape. Our teacher laughed at us when he came back and asked how we had come up with this and we told him we'd decided that it just felt right to have them like that.

After everyone hung up their self portrait the way we wanted it to look like, we all talked about how great it looked and how happy we were that everything is finally finished. And than Sam made us all give a pretend speech on a microphone about the show and what we were gonna say for it. We went over all the show details and than Kat, one of the main people at youth in focus, had us all do a quick little survey on how the quarter went and what we would/wouldn't change about youth in focus to make it better. At the end she asked who wanted to hand out the cards to our mentors and teacher at the show. Since no one else would go, I volunteered myself. Which I thought was pretty cool :)

At the begining of class Sam told everyone that if you stayed till the end of class, 6:30pm, he would sing us the song parody he had been working on for the song Tick Tock. It was amazing and made everyone laugh.  He really spent a lot of time on it, hahaha. Again, I love Sam :D

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